SA Administrator Re-Encryption Report overview
Function acronym: SAAR
Use this report to encrypt credit card-related data anywhere these values are stored in the database.
Contact your Infor business consultant before you run this report. Run the report to change encryption from an older version of Distribution SX.e with static encryption to dynamic encryption. If you have dynamic encryption, do not run this report. If you have used the Credit Card Interface with a credit card processor other than CenPOS, you must run this dynamic encryption once.
This report is run at the system level and is not company-specific. Running the report with the Initialize option resets the current dynamic encryption to the PCI Compliance encryption method. This option must be used when you encrypt the data for the first time. The report finds the old data and converts it.
After the initial encryption is complete, the report prints detail about the files that were updated and a count of the records updated.
An Event Manager event can be triggered when the report is run. This event notifies the administrator that the report has started and when it has completed. If it does not complete, the administrator must rerun the report until initialization/re-encryption is complete. Access Event Manager to set up the notification rules for the event titled, sa-saarrptstatus, before you run the report.