SA Administrator ION Initial Load Report overview
Function acronym: SAABI
After you have set up the BODs that are exchanged with Infor ION, use this function to populate the master and transaction data.
The BODs are set up in SA Administrator ION Noun Setup. The master and transaction data you must publish depends upon the data required by the ION application you are integrating to. See the integration guide and Cross BOD mapping and descriptions document for the application's data requirements.
You should only have to run SA Administrator ION
Initial Load Report during your initial implementation of the ION-supported
application's integration. After each BOD is activated and data is loaded, the system
automatically tracks changes to any records in Distribution SX.e, such
as when a name is changed or transaction is created, and a sync BOD is sent to ION. This
keeps the master and transaction data up to date without having to run the initial load
Note: Infor ION processes BODs in order of a priority setting of
1-9, with 9 being the highest priority.
Outbound BODs sent by Distribution SX.e during an initial load are assigned a
processing priority of 3. This ensures that they are sent to ION
after any other outbound BODs sent during normal, daily processing. Outbound BODs sent
to ION outside of an initial load are assigned a priority of 4,
which is higher.