SA Administrator ION Delete Processed I/O Records Report overview

System Administrator > Administration > SAA Reports > SAABD

Function acronym: SAABD

Use this report to purge the records in the ION Connector Inbox/Outbox table. These records are created for each inbound and outbound BOD processed by the Distribution SX.e ION Connector IOBox. They remain in the table until they are deleted by this report.

You can delete records from either the inbox or outbox, for a specified date range. Unprocessed, or pending, records are not deleted unless you select Yes for Delete Unprocessed Records option.

In CloudSuite Distribution, you can select Purge Successfully Processed IMS ION Inbox/Outbox BODs in SA Administrative Options-Integrations-ION Interface Options to automatically purge inbound and outbound BOD messages that are processed successfully for ION Messaging Service (IMS). Otherwise, the records remain in the table until you use this report to delete the records.

Note:  Do not run this report to delete unprocessed records as a normal part of your purging routine. Only delete unprocessed records when you implement an ION integration and invalid records are created as part of the start-up process.