Purchase Order Register Report overview
Function acronym: PORR
Use this report to list purchase orders and line items. You can print nonstock only products, not-for-resale only products, and back orders.
All totals at the end of the report are provided in the domestic currency. If the totals include foreign vendors, there may be a slight difference due to conversions. If any foreign vendors are included, a note is printed at the end of the report indicating that this possible discrepancy.
When the report is generated in vendor order and a vendor is a foreign vendor, this information is used in the report:
- currency description, included in the banner.
- SA Currency Setup short description and an additional two-line domestic conversion.
- exchange rate from the SA Currency Setup, if the purchase order is in Stage 5 (Received), Stage 4 (Pre-received), Stage 2 (Printed), or Stage 1 (Ordered). If the purchase order has been processed in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Vendor Invoice Center Entry, the purchase order exchange rate is used.
- currency type, at the line level.
- whole order discount, converted to domestic equivalents and displayed as the net amount on the order or line.
The amounts in the Costed column reflect only the amounts that have been processed in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. If a purchase order is only partially costed, only the amount that has been costed is displayed.