Purchase Pre-Receiving Report overview
Function acronym: PORII
Use this report to review quantities available to be put away or quantities required to fill existing sales order or warehouse transfer back orders.
Receiver System
Use the Receiver System to process purchase orders from a receiving perspective instead of from a purchase order perspective. Receiver numbers, or control numbers, provide a control system for how products are received. For example, if the vendor ships multiple purchase orders in one shipment, one receiver number can be generated for all of the purchase orders. If the vendor ships products from one purchase order in multiple shipments, each receipt against the same purchase order can have a separate receiver number. If you use the optional Receiver System, receiver numbers can be assigned automatically and default to Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or assigned manually in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
If you choose to have system-generated receiver numbers assigned to a purchase order, the number is unique to the warehouse and assigned by Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup. When you specify a list of purchase orders and receiver numbers are not assigned to the purchase orders, the Rcv # by (P)O, (R)ange, or (N)o Rcv # field setting is used. If this report is generated more than once for a purchase order that already has a receiver number, a new receiver number is assigned. The existing receiver number record is be updated or deleted, if no purchase orders are tied to it. See the online documentation for the Rcv # by (P)O, (R)ange, or (N)o Rcv # field for information about how receiver numbers are assigned.
A transparent receipts file, Purchase Replenishment Action Entry record, is created for each receiver number. This file stores the company number, warehouse, receiver number, operator initials, transaction date and time, and expected and actual totals for the number of lines and buying quantity on the purchase order received with a receiver number.
Quantities expected to be received can be compared to actual quantities received. Warnings are displayed when an out-of-balance situation occurs. Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and Purchase Exceptions Report include out-of-balance receipt situations.
Use the Receiver System to identify posting errors before you run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.
Purchase orders processed through this function are updated to Stage 4 (Pre-received).
Lines may be printed more than once. If a line has been previously printed, this message prints: **REPRINT-REALLOCATED**
The NonStage Qty on the report is the actual amount left to put away from the received quantity after the staged quantities are removed.
When the Reservation field in Produce Warehouse Product Setup is set to Against Receipts or Always, this report includes the order number below the Inventory Reserved Against Receipts section to expedite the picking process.
Inventory Allocation
When you implement inventory allocation by assigning a reservation type to a warehouse product, you can use the pre-receiving functions to fill orders from pending receipts. Pre-receiving reports list all order quantities from orders and transfers in picked stage (Stage 2) that have inventory reserved against pending receipts. Although it is not required, pending receipts should be pre-received by the time they physically arrive at the warehouse, after any related pick tickets are printed and before any items have been removed from the receipts.
The individual order numbers and line detail are displayed so you can see what quantity of inventory is to be put away and what quantity is required for picking and shipping to customers.
Received quantities entered in the Purchase Order and Warehouse Transfer receiving functions should reflect the total that was counted, in addition to any quantity that was picked from the receipt before counting (which the operator should manually record on the pre-receiving report).
Foreign Vendors
For foreign vendors, the currency conversion from SA Currency Setup is used. All costs and prices on this report are in domestic currency.
Non-Stock and Not-for-sale Items
The product description from the purchase order line item are displayed for non-stock and not-for-resale items. If the product has a Product Warehouse Product Setup record, but is a non-stock or not-for-resale item, the product description from the purchase order line item is displayed. Additionally, the default bin location from the non-stock header record (ICENH) is included next to the non-stock product.
Printable notes are provided immediately following the purchase order number and vendor information on the report.
Remanufactured Core Product
You cannot physically receive an implied core product charge. Lines containing an implied core product charge are not printed on the pre-receiving report. Implied core charges are included in the receiver number totals.
Warehouse Manager
If you are interfacing to Warehouse Manager, this report includes recommendations for the bins in which incoming Warehouse Manager controlled products, indentified in Product Setup Warehouse Product, should be stored. Rules for determining the put-away location for incoming Warehouse Manager products follow these settings in SA Administrator Options - Products - Methods - Warehouse Manager:
- If the Fill Primary Bin First option is selected, bins labeled 'primary' are filled. If the option is cleared and the bin is below or at minimum quantity, it is refilled.
- If the primary bin is already full and the Attempt Single Bin Put Away option is selected, bins are located by priority and filled to capacity. If the option is cleared, bins are located by Product Warehouse Product Setup priority and alternate bins are filled.
- If the Refill Open Assigned Bins First and Attempt Single Bin Put Away options are selected, the product is put away according to the Product Warehouse Product Setup priority and the bin is filled to capacity.
- If the Directed Bin Put Away option is selected, the product is Warehouse Manager controlled, and the quantity to put away is zero, a space for noting exceptions is provided. If the Product Warehouse Product SetupWarehouse Manager field is selected, the Directed Bin Put Away field is selected, and the quantity to put away is greater than zero, suggested locations and quantities and as a space for noting exceptions are provided.
If a bin is defined as a single location bin in WM Bin Location and Product Setup, it is assumed to have an unlimited capacity. If a bin is a primary location bin, allocation is based on the maximum quantity specified in WM Bin Location and Product Setup. Otherwise, allocation is based on the Product Warehouse Product Setup Allocation Type field with a default of cube.
If the Warehouse Manager field is cleared for the product in Product Warehouse Product Setup, the Product Warehouse Product Setup required bin locations are used.