Purchase Order Inquiry - Totals overview
Use this page to view information about the purchase order’s discount, addons, addon capitalization setting, totals, and important dates.
The order discount applies to the entire order and is in addition to any line item discounts you may have received on this purchase order. The target is the order amount you want to reach to take advantage of incentives given to you by the vendor.
Addons included when costing a purchase order in Vendor Invoice Center Entry are displayed in the Addons section. Addons
applied to the purchase order during Purchase Receipt of
Inventory Entry are displayed in the Addon grid.
Note: Costed addons include total addons
minus the addons capitalized during Purchase Receipt of
Inventory Entry. To see the total addons you must add the receiving addon
amount and the costed addon amount.
If you use the Overseas Trade module, click OT Transaction Entry. If there are no additional addons for the selected purchase order, or the purchase order is not received, this button is not available.
to view additional addons that are entered in