Purchase Order Inquiry - Line Detail overview
Use this page to view the line items for the selected purchase order.
Select or clear the Show Inactive Lines option to display or remove inactive lines from the grid.
The cost is displayed based on the stage of the purchase order. If the purchase order is in Stage 1 (Ordered), Stage 2 (Printed), or Stage 4 (Pre-Received), the cost entered in Purchase Order Entry is displayed. If the purchase order is in Stage 5 (Received), the received cost from Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry is displayed. If the purchase order is in Stage 6 (Costed) or Stage 7 (Closed), the costed amount is displayed. If the purchase order is only partially costed, this formula is used to calculate the amount that is displayed:
(Costed Qty * Cost) + (Uncosted Qty * Received Cost)
The canceled column reflects the value of the Cancel flag on the PO line. It does not indicate that a partial quantity was processed. For example, if 12 parts were ordered, 10 parts were shipped, and the remaining two parts were cancelled or not backordered, this column is blank. PO lines are canceled when DO or drop-ship sales order lines are sent to lost business before the PO is printed. When a PO is canceled, Yes is displayed in this column.
In the grid, Catch Weight Product indicates if the product in this line is a catch weight product. The Actual Total Weight column shows the weight specified during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. Drilldown on a record in the grid; in the Extended tab, static fields for Catch Weight Product and Actual Total Weight are displayed. The catch weight functionality must be enabled, and this product must have been set up as a catch weight product in Product Setup-General.
These additional views are available when you drill down on a line item, depending on the line type:
- Extended: The Extended view displays additional information about the line item: quantities of the line item ordered, received, and costed. You can also see product dimensions.
- Nonstock: This view is available if the line you select is a nonstock product. The Nonstock view displays information about the nonstock product, such as the description, cost, and size. The information is the same as what was entered on the Nonstock window in Purchase Order Entry.
- Ties: This view is available if the line item you selected is tied to an order, warehouse transfer, or fabrication order. The Ties view displays all the tie information for this line’s purchase order. You can view the order, transfer, or fabrication order the purchase order is tied to, and the exact line number the order is tied to. The tie information displayed is the same information that was entered on the Tie window in Purchase Order Entry. Click to view the Sales Order Inquiry window. Detailed information is available about the sales order that was tied to this purchase order.
- Serial/Lot: This view is available if the line item you selected is a serial or lot product. The Serial/Lot view displays the serial or lot numbers for this product and any lot cut entries that were defined for the purchase order line in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
- Tally: The initial mix of components are calculated based on the buying percentage on the KP Mix Setup record. View the mix and adjustment factor and make changes from this window, or add, change, or delete components and compute a new mix.
- Bundles: This view is available if the line item is a tally bundle.
- Line History: This information is useful for purchase orders with back orders. You can display the history for one line item from an order. It indicates the number of back orders or suffixes created, and the status of each back order or suffix. At a glance, you can determine the status of the product ordered and whether it has been received or costed. Limited information from the purchase order header and line are also displayed.
- Costing: This view is only available if the purchase order is in Stage 6 (Costing) or Stage 7 (Closed). This view displays the costing information for this line item, including the journal number and quantity costed. If a product has special costing and is entered as a nonstock or not-for-resale item, the Product Setup record is ignored. The cost entered on the purchase order is used.
- Addons: Use the Addons view to view addon values for a specific line on a PO. This view is available when the PO is in Received stage or higher. Addons are not distributed to the line until the PO is received.
- Return Allocation: The Return Allocation view displays the currently allocated returns for the dirty core item. If the line item does not have anything allocated against it, the Return Allocation view is not available for the line.
- Core Allocation: This view displays the allocated dirty core for the item, if applicable.
- Custom: This view displays any custom fields assigned to the PO line.
- Comments: This view displays any line item comments, printed or internal.