Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report overview

Purchase > Entry > POE Reports > POERP

Function acronym: POERP

Use this report to forecast your inventory needs ahead of normal replenishment times and schedule delivery dates in advance of actual need. The purchase quantities are established from the historic demand over a specified period of time or from a specified date forward until the open to purchase target has been reached.

You can also use this report to base commitments to your vendor to secure a better price or discount and to ensure product availability. This report complements the automatic replenishment capabilities of the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report.

To use contract pricing in this report, select these options in the SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing screen:

  • Purchase Order Price Allocation
  • Auto Assign Vendor Contract on RRAR
Note: If this functionality to automatically apply the vendor contract pricing is enabled, and the Purchase Order Price Allocation value is Lowest Price Including ARP Warehouses, then significant performance degradation can happen when many ARP warehouses are defined as replenishment warehouses. The reports that use the auto assignment of the lowest contract other than POERP are POERR and ICAAD.

After the report is generated, it can be reviewed and edited in Purchase Demand Center Entry. After the buyer adjusts the forecast, it can be merged into a purchase order.