Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report overview
Function acronym: POERM
Use this report to merge accepted recommended replenishment action reports (RRAR) to create purchase orders to send to the vendor.
This report is the final step in the replenishment cycle, after completing these tasks:
- Generated the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report or Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report to create product review reports
- Manually reviewed and accepted each report in Purchase Demand Center Entry
You can run the report from Demand Center Merge in Purchase Demand Center Entry. Click the button to access Demand Center Merge.
The purchase orders can be printed in standard or custom formats and can be printed to email, fax, or EDI. Select the format in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Printing. You can print the headings on the purchase orders or suppress them. If you have custom, pre-printed forms, do not print the headings. If you send purchase orders electronically, select the output method in the Purchase Orders (EDI 850) field in Vendor Setup-eCommerce or Vendor Ship From Setup-eCommerce.
To use EDI to send purchase orders to vendors, see the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.