Purchase Demand Center Entry - Header overview
Use this page to review the vendor and warehouse information. You can perform actions on this information, such as accepting all lines, assigning a vendor contract number, or maintaining addons.
Vendor and warehouse information on this page was specified in Vendor Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, and Product Warehouse Description Setup. On this page, you can perform these actions:
- Assign a vendor contract number. For example, you create a single PO to cover multiple Job Management jobs and contracts. Tied records are not created during entry. They are created as part of the line create process during the merge process.
- Maintain addons. If you use Overseas Trade, you can add a maximum of four capitalized addons. The default addon values are from Vendor Setup. If you change the default values, your changes are used unless the consolidation options are selected. If you consolidate, the default addons from Vendor Setup are used even if you make changes.
- Flag the report to apply the vendor's automatic reprice percentage to the resulting orders. The reprice percentage is applied to applicable line items when the Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report is run. Optionally, you can change the default value for the auto reprice percentage.
- Select controls such as substitutes, backorders, FOB, freight consolidation, and consolidate product lines and warehouses.
- Use the Combine Inquiry section to review a list of all reports that could be combined. Individual reports can be selected if either Product Lines or Warehouses in the Controls section is selected. Reports are listed if they qualify for the same parameters as the replenishment report currently being accepted.
- Accept or deny all lines. Select the appropriate option from the menu.
- Increase or decrease the line items’ order quantity to meet the product line’s target.