Purchase Demand Center Entry - Increase/Decrease overview
If the percent of the target amount on the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report is less than or greater than 100 percent, use this page to increase or decrease the line item order quantity.
This page is displayed when you select Purchase Demand Center Entry - Header page.
from the Actions menu on theYou can increase or decrease the line item’s order quantity based on a percent or review cycle days. If you purchase more than the recommended order quantity, the additional carrying cost is calculated.
Making adjustments by percent
If you make an adjustment based on a percent, the line item quantities are adjusted by a proportional amount based on the specified percent value. When you click
, the values are updated in the New column. You can continue to make percentage adjustments until your new values meet the target.The quantity ordered is increased or decreased by the calculated amount for all regular vendor line items where the acceptance is yes and the quantity ordered is greater than zero. Warehouse review lines, surplus lines, and nonstock or special lines are not included.
Making adjustments by review cycle dates
If you make an adjustment based on review days, the review cycle days are adjusted by the specified number of days, up to 3 digits. This adjustment is an estimation. The ordering controls in Product Warehouse Description Setup are not permanently changed. They are temporarily changed before the report update is run. Then, original values are restored.
If you select so use review days, the PO RRAR Recalculate Review Cycle options are displayed. When you click , the ordering control in Product Warehouse Description Setup is updated based on the new review cycle and the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report regenerates in the background using your selected report options. Refer to the online documentation for the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report function for more information about these options.
Locking the line
You can prevent a line from being adjusted by selecting the Lock from Percent Adjustments option on the Purchase Demand Center Entry - Line Item Information - Extended Information page. When a line is locked, it is not be affected by any adjustments that are made with this feature.
Increasing or decreasing the order quantity by a flat percentage may cause these exception messages for a Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report. These exceptions do not apply to reports created in PO Entry Program Purchase Report.
Situation | Error Message | Explanation |
Proportional increases are not made once the exceptions are reviewed. | No Increase Made; Manual Qty Increases Must be Made | The adjustment percentage must be such that it adjusts at least a one unit. For example, if the line had a quantity of 2 and the percent was set to 10%, upon calculation, the new quantity was 2.2, which is rounded to 2. Because there is not a full unit increase, no change is made, and the message displays. If the percent was set to 50, and the new quantity was 3, an exception would not occur during the calculation. Ensure the Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering usage rate is greater than 1. |
The order quantity is greater than the yearly usage rate. | Qty Ordered Reduced to 1 Year Supply for ### | When you order more than a one-year supply, you are defeating the purpose of the system’s ordering controls and are subjecting yourself to possible damage, obsolescence, shrinkage, and theft. The order quantity is compared to the Product Warehouse Product Setup usage rate times 12. |
The order quantity for a seasonal product is greater than the three-month supply. | Qty Ordered Reduced to 3 Mo Supply for Seasonal Product ### | If the product is seasonal, the order quantity should not be greater than a 3-month supply. The order quantity is compared to the Product Warehouse Product Setup usage rate times 3. The PO Available is included in the calculation of the order quantity. |
The quantity is not great enough to cover a two-week supply. | Qty Ordered < 2 Week Supply for ###. Review Purchase. | It is not recommended to stock products that require you to order them at less than two-week intervals, unless you have severe warehouse limitations. |
The order quantity is less than 1/2 of one standard pack or buying unit. It is left alone. | Less Than 1/2 Stnd Pack Ordered for ###; No Rounding Done. Qty Ordered < 1/2 Buy Unit for ###; No Rounding Done. | The order quantity is compared to the Product Warehouse Product Setup usage rate times 0.5. After the new order quantity is determined, it is rounded up or down to the nearest Product Warehouse Product Setup standard pack or buying unit. This indicates that the proportional increase is not great enough to bring the quantity to one-half of a standard pack or buying unit. Review the quantity and decide whether to increase the order quantity and purchase the standard pack or buying unit or deny the acceptance of the line item and allow a future PO RRAR to recommend replenishment. |
The Available quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup is negative and rounding was forced to cover the Demand quantity. | Unit Rounding (xxxx) Forced Due to Product Demand. |
If a variance still exists after the new quantities have qualified under the above conditions, the remaining difference amount and percentage is displayed. If your goal is to achieve the target buy level, you must repeat the process. You can repeat this process until the target buy level is reached.