Purchase Entry Journal Print Report overview

Purchase > Entry > POE Reports > POEJ

Function acronym: POEJ

Use this function to print all journals. Journals do not automatically print after Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry is complete.

The journals that print depend on the report parameters that you select. The most common procedure is to print one journal number or a range of journal numbers after all processing is complete for a day. The journal is the audit trail of all financial entries that are made during the day.

We recommend that you only specify one or two ranges. If more are selected, the report can become complex and difficult to understand. These ranges are commonly used:

  • Journal #
  • Journal # and Set #
  • Period
  • Operator

If Default to 'All' Pricing During Receiving is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults, the buying unit is displayed for the received cost amount on the line item detail. If the option is not selected, the product’s unit is used on the line item detail. The buying unit on the Product Warehouse Product Setup is displayed beside the received cost amount. If any products are special costing units, the special unit is printed.

If a received purchase order is for a foreign vendor, additional lines are displayed with the domestic conversion for foreign amounts. On detail lines, the conversion of domestic to foreign is also provided. The receiving and costing exchange rates are stored on the order header. These exchange rates are used, depending on the stage of the purchase order, instead of the SA Currency Setup rates.

Journals for receiving transactions include the whole order discount/addon amount on the printed copy. The whole order discount is the extended net discount amount. The addon amount is the total amount of addons on the order.