PI Entry Update Products overview
Function acronym: PIEU
After you have completed editing all or a portion of your update PI Entry Edit File in PI Entry Edit Product Update File, use this function to update Product entity records.
The PI Entry Update Products function does affect your Product entity records.
Records selected for updating have an update code of Update. They have an effective date before, or equal to, the current date, unless you set the Days to Allow Forward option.
During the update, the existing product records in Product Setup, Product Warehouse Product Setup, and Product Catalog Setup are searched. Those records with the information from the line items that qualify are updated. In Product Warehouse Product Setup, the Last Change date for prices and costs are updated with the date on the import file. If an existing Product entity record is not found, and the options are set in PI Entry Edit Product Update File Full Product to create records, new Product entity records are created.
Records with invalid product lines are placed in an error state with an error code of "PLI" and are not updated. Error or hold codes must be cleared in PI Entry Edit Product Update File before the error/hold records can be updated in Product entity records. If a field that is optioned to Hold in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup-Exceptions changes, the record does not update, unless changed to update in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. If a field changes that is optioned to Ignore in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup, the record is updated, but changes to the field are ignored.
After a line item has been updated to Product entity records, it is inactivated. It remains in the update file only if you have selected Save Detail in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup. It cannot be viewed or edited in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. Line items that were not updated, are on hold, are in an error state, or have not met their effective date, remain in the update file. Items that were set with an Ignore update code are inactivated. They are saved in the edit file only if the Save Detail option in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup is set to save both updated and ignored records. As long as there are line items in an update file with an Active status, the update file itself remain active and can be edited.
To view inactive line items or update files, use PI Import History Inquiry. Inactive line items can also be re-imported using the PI Administrator Build from Product Files function. The Save Detail option in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup must be Yes.
We recommend you perform the update process after business hours, when no other operators are on the system. This process updates product records in Product Setup, Product Warehouse Product Setup, and Product Catalog Setup. Depending on the size of the update file, it may also affect the speed of other processes on the system.
You may be using replacement or standard cost as a method of updating your Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Setup costs. If so, your General Ledger is updated using replacement or standard costs. Replacement and standard cost are specified in these SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs options: Post to G/L by and Post to S/M by. If that cost is changed during the update process for products with a quantity on hand, a General Ledger journal is opened. It is posted with the difference in the old replacement or standard cost, and the new replacement or standard cost. The Inventory Cost Adjustment account is updated.
Foreign Replacement Cost is for use with foreign vendors. The Foreign Replacement Cost field is similar to the Last Foreign Cost field, but is not automatically updated or overwritten during PO receiving, AP costing, or product import. The Foreign Replacement Cost field value does not change unless you manually change it. This cost is stored in the foreign currency of the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) vendor. To enable foreign replacement cost, you must have selected Use Replacement Cost During Entry in the Foreign Cost field of SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults-PO Entry. When you select this option, and also specify a Foreign Replacement Cost in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs, the cost specified is used by the system when creating a purchase order (PO) line for a foreign vendor.