PI Administrator Import File overview

Product Import > Administration > PIA Report > PIAFI

Function acronym: PIAFI

Use this function to import information from a raw data file and load it into an edit file for modifying and updating.

Raw product data files are typically provided to you from a pricing service entity, such as Trade Service. The import file must exist on your system in the directory defined in the Import Directory field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults-Product Setup. You should verify this before proceeding with the Import File function.

Note:  If you use CloudSuite Distribution, you must transfer the files from the Import Directory specified in SA Administrator Options, or another local directory, to a shared file system. Use SA Administration File Transfer to transfer the files before you run the PI Administration Import File Report.

The product records that are imported and loaded into the edit file can be modified in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. Complete this before Product entity records are updated or created in your database. The import process uses this information:

  • The import definitions established in PI Import Definition Setup.
  • The product manipulations set up in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup.
  • The defaults defined in PI New Product Default Setup.

This generates a list of a) any records not imported correctly, b) the total number of records imported, and c) the update status of those records. Records imported in an error or hold state are assigned error or hold codes that identify the reason for the error or hold state. These codes and their descriptions can be viewed in PI Entry Edit Product Update File and reported on by running PI Entry Report From Update File.


These records must be completed before you activate the import process:

  • PI Import Definition Setup
  • PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup
  • PI New Item Default Setup
  • SA Administrator Options

PI Administrator report functions (PIA Reports) should be performed by a designated system administrator. Most functions should not be performed without first completing the prerequisite setup procedures. We recommend that you use your test company until you are completely familiar with these functions. Updating functions in your test company does not adversely affect your permanent files, with the exception of PI Import Definition Setup records. PI Import Definition Setup records are not specific to one company; any changes made to these records are viewed in all companies.