PD Pricing Setup - National Program overview
Use this window to set up National Program pricing records. The National Program records you set up here are a subset of the PD Pricing Setup records in the database.
You can set up National Program records with this function, or you can import records with PD Import/Export National Program batch report program. If you set up National Program records, you must set up a record for every combination of program type and level enabled in SA Administrator Options-Products-National Program.
You must activate the National Program functionality in SA Administrator Options before you can begin setting up National Program pricing records. You must also establish system records. For example, set up vendor, customer, product, kit, and General Ledger records. Specify system administrator settings for printing, business rules, operator access, and table values.
Advanced search
Use this tool to search for existing National Program pricing records. Available search criteria is based on your settings in SA Administrator Options-Products-National Program. These settings define program types and levels available for National Program functionality.
Price records
Price Record selected | Relevant form fields |
Customer Group/Product Price Type | Customer Group, Product Price Type |
Customer Type/Product | Customer Price Type, Product |
Customer/Brand | Customer, Ship To/Job, Brand Code |
Customer/Product | Customer, Ship To/Job, Product |
Product | Product |
After these initial fields are specified, and you save the form, the next form is displayed. On this form, specify values for these fields: Active, Allow Returns, Claim Product, Commission, Commission Type, Commission Type [Based On], Description, End Date, Level, National Program Code, Program Only, Start Date, Vendor #.
In SA Administrator Options-System-User Fields, a user field type is available as part of the setup for National Program functionality. If you have enabled the National Program functionality, optionally you can use this User Field Type to activate PD Pricing Setup-National Program User1 through User9 fields. When activated and defined, these fields are displayed in the User Fields section of PD Pricing Setup-National Program.