PD Expired Pricing Records Report overview
Function acronym: PDRX
Use the PD Expired Pricing Records Report to identify pricing records that are due to expire.
Maintaining several pricing records of different record types can be challenging. Because each pricing record contains a starting date and optional ending date, it is difficult to know when these pricing records will expire. This is especially important for the contract pricing records that may force you to renegotiate pricing contracts.
If you set any of the PD Pricing Setup options to Yes, the report looks at all pricing records that are active and fall within the calculated ending date. The calculated ending date equals the system date plus the number of days you specify for the Records Will Expire Within # of Days option. If you select Yes to the Include Records with no Expiration Date option, the pricing records with no ending date are included on the report.
The report does not include those records that have already expired (end date is prior to today's date).