OT Vessel Entry - Overseas Trade Details - Header overview
Use this page to view the dates related to the vessel and other shipping information. Like the tracking documents, the vessel dates are important for tracking the stages of the vessel document.
The vessel stage advances as you enter actual dates, which updates the dates and stages of any tracking documents that are assigned to the vessel.
These are the vessel stages:
- 0 – Entered The vessel document is in this stage when you create it.
- 1 – Shipped The vessel document moves to this stage when you enter an actual departure date. The Actual Container Departure date on any associated tracking document is also updated, and the tracking document’s stage is changed to Shipped.
- 2 – Arrived The vessel document moves to this stage when you enter an actual arrival date in OT Vessel Entry-Detail. The Actual Arrival date on any associated tracking document is also updated, and the tracking document’s stage is changed to Arrived.
- 3 – Unloaded The vessel document moves to this stage when you enter an actual unloaded date. The Actual Dock Ready date on any associated tracking document is also updated.