Sales Freight Rate Setup overview
Function acronym: OESR
Use this function to set up and maintain freight rates and an over maximum rate for a particular carrier by a freight zone and, optionally, a warehouse.
You tie these freight rates to a postal code in Sales Freight Zone Setup.
You can also specify up to 500 freight rates by weight limits in the Maintain Freight Rates section. The weight limit entries represent maximum limits and each subsequent entry’s range starts with the previous maximum limit entry.
For example: If the weight limit for sequence 1 is 50, all shipments up to 50 lbs are assigned sequence 1 freight rate. If the weight limit for sequence 2 is 100, all shipments between 50 and 100 pounds are assigned the freight rate for sequence 2. The system validates that each subsequent weight limit is larger than the previous entry. A zero weight entry identifies the end of the table.
The over maximum rate is used when the weight is greater than the largest weight limit entered on the table.