Sales Package Analysis Report overview
Function acronym: OEROP
Use this report to analyze packages that were shipped through the Shipping Interface. This report shows the amount charged for freight on the order versus the amount charged by the carrier in the Shipping Interface.
For sales orders, the Actual Freight field contains the amount that was charged through the Shipping Interface. It is the same as the actual freight that is stored on the sales order header. This amount does not include the Customer Billing Setup, Customer Cash on Delivery Addon Setup, or Sales Credit Release Inquiry charges, because these charges are assessed by your company, not the carrier. The Freight Charge field contains the total of Addon 2.
For warehouse transfers, the Freight Charge field contains the expensed and capitalized addons from the warehouse transfer. The Actual Freight field contains the amount that was charged in the Shipping Interface.
For shipping requests, the Freight Charge field is zero because the customer is not charged freight. The Actual Freight field is the amount charged in the Shipping Interface. The total of this field includes the freight charge from the rate table, extras, COD charge and any insurance charge.