Sales Commercial Invoice Report overview

Sales > Reports > OE Reports > OEROC

Function acronym: OEROC

Use this report to print the Commercial Invoice Document XML output.

The Commercial Invoice Document is a form that you must provide as a customs declaration for items that you are exporting across international borders. The form must contain specific and required information about the seller, buyer, and goods and services. It is typically used by customs to calculate tariffs.

You can generate the commercial invoice form for domestic orders, in addition to orders for international customers. Select No for the International Only if Range option to generate a commercial invoice for all orders, domestic or international, based on any ranges specified.

If you assign the Country of Origin for a product, the code is added to the line of an invoice. The code is also included in the data stream so it can print on the form.

The report generates an XML file that can be imported by a printing solution, such as unForms, NowDocs, or Infor Document Management. Or, the same data contained in the XML file is also contained in the ION Invoice BOD that can be passed to external applications using the ION infrastructure (for example, you can contract with an external company to print the Commercial Invoice Document). You can include specific and required information on the document.

See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide or Infor Distribution SX.e Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service for information about using Infor Document Management (IDM) to generate the commercial invoice form.


If you are generating invoices through Infor Document Management (IDM), you can also include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when you print or email an invoice with hazardous products.

If your invoices are set up as Print Format 4, with an Output Type of IDM Output Management or IDM Output Management and Third Party in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing, you can include the MSDS with the invoice by selecting Use IDM for MSDS in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults. When Use IDM for MSDS is selected, sheets set up in Infor Document Management are searched to match the right sheet with the product. This is based on document attributes that are set up in IDM and in the IDM MSDS Sheet Xquery Attributes field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults.

If an invoice contains kit components that are flagged as MSDS products, the sheets for each components are printed or emailed as well.

If you select to print your invoices, sheets are printed to the same printer as the invoices.

If you select to email invoices, sheets are emailed in a separate email, with an email subject line: “MSDS Sheets for Order nnnnnn-nn”.

If you select the Print to Email/-Fax Where Appropriate option, sheets are sent to the appropriate contacts for the invoiced customer. Otherwise, the email address specified on the Print Information view is used.