Sales Order Audit Report overview
Function acronym: OERA
Use this report to audit all orders before you run the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.
This report ensures that sales order and customer records are in balance. After an order is invoice processed, it cannot be corrected and customer records must be changed manually. We also recommend that you run this report when you initially set up your system, convert your data from an existing system, or experience a system failure.
The Sales Order Audit Report is divided into two sections, Orders Out of Balance and Customers Out of Balance. The Orders Out of Balance section includes orders with discrepancies between the header and line items and the associated error messages. The orders are listed in numerical order. The Orders Out of Balance section includes the comparison between Sales Order and Customer records . The order totals for a customer are added together and compared to the customer's On Order balance on the Customer Inquiry-General record.
Orders Out of Balance
Because the header is updated after a line item is entered, the line item information is assumed correct when the Sales Order Audit Report is generated. If a system failure occurs, the header may not have been updated.
These are some examples of comparisons performed by the Sales Order Audit Report:
- General Ledger or invoice processing
As you use Sales Order Audit Report in your workflow to address, for example, invoicing exceptions or GL Transaction Entry records, use these error messages to help you troubleshoot when orders do not advance in processing:
- Tender Amount is xx; Calculated as xx
- GLET record holds 0 payment type, possible error in GLET
- GLET record holds invalid value; Cannot Calculate Tender Amt
- Just in Time (JIT) disposition
If you select No for the Update Order Files option and the requested ship date or promise date is missing from a line item on an order with a Just in Time disposition, messages informing you of these errors are included on the report.
If you select Yes for the Update Order Files option, lines missing the requested or promise date are updated with the dates from the header. If the header is missing these dates, it is updated with the earliest dates specified on a line item. The total quantity shipped in the header is updated with the correct value.
On orders with a disposition other than Just in Time, the requested ship date or promised date is not updated. Errors occur if the requested ship date or promise date on the header are missing or if the total quantity shipped varies from the calculated amount. The calculated total quantity shipped value is the accumulation of all line stock quantity shipped amounts that meet these conditions:
- The order is in Stage 1 (Ordered) or greater
- The line is not a Lost Business line
- The order is either a Just in Time order and the pick option is selected, or the order is not a Just in Time order
- Serial and lot number allocation
If serial or lot numbers are not correctly allocated on a line, an error message indicating how many serial or lot numbers were assigned and how many should be assigned is included on the Sales Order Audit Report.
- Rebates
The vendor rebate amount stored in the order header is audited against the line vendor rebate amount stored in PD Rebate Reconciliation Entry. If they differ, an exception is generated.
- Order Approval
When the Sales Order Audit Report is run, the approval code on the order header is compared to the approval code on the internal credit record. If the approval codes do not match, the internal credit record is updated with the approval code from header. If an internal credit record cannot be located, one is created. The approval code on the record is derived from the order and the credit manager is derived from the Customer Setup-Credit record.
If triggers were set up in SA Event Manager Activate Event to alert credit managers when an order is approved (oe-credapprove), or created or updated and saved with a hold status (oe-credhold), the credit managers are informed of changes to the approval status of order after the Sales Order Audit Report is run. If the credit managers are not informed through Event Manager, they should review the Sales Order Audit Report to determine if any sales orders are on hold. The report should also be reviewed if a credit manager is not specified for a customer and Event Manager does not inform another operator of credit approvals and credit holds.
- Pick tickets
If an order does not contain exceptions, the pick ticket prints and the internal print setting on the order header that indicates the pick ticket was printed is set to yes. If the order contains exceptions, the pick ticket cannot be printed, and the internal setting is no, the order qualifies for the Sales Order Audit Report except under these conditions:
- The order is in Stage 1-Ordered and, regardless of the disposition on the order, any line on the order has a pick setting of yes
- The order is in Stage 0-Entered, the disposition of the order is not Just In Time, and any line on the order has a pick setting of yes
- The order is in a stage greater than Stage 1-Ordered, the disposition of the order is Just In Time, and any line on the order has a pick setting of yes
Because pick tickets are not printed automatically for Direct Orders (DO) or orders with all DO lines, Sales Order Audit Report ignores the print setting for these types of orders.
- Tendered amounts
For orders with releases and back orders that have been tendered, the total tendered amount on the original order is compared to orders with a suffix. If the original order has been invoiced, deleted, or canceled, the check is not performed. Orders containing back orders cannot be deleted.
- Floor plans
Orders that are floor planned and a third-party finance company is invoiced will be compared to the finance company's balances, not the customer's balances. If the customer number range is used to perform the Sales Order Audit Report, customers with orders invoiced to a finance company is not included. You must run the report without a customer number range to include these customers.
Customers Out of Balance
When Sales Order records are compared to Customer records, the Sales Order Audit Report assumes that Sales Order records are correct and Customer records require updates.
When a customer or ship to is out of balance, the customer order balance, total order balance, future balance, and down payment for all open orders are included on the report. The total order balance, customer balance, and the variance between these amounts for each customer or ship to is also included. Only ship tos that are out of balance are included on the report. If only a ship to is out of balance, customer details are not included.
The On Order, Future Order, and Down Payments balances in the Statement Balance section of Customer Inquiry-General are compared to the open orders. The customer's total order balance should match the customer's On Order balance.
When a customer makes a down payment on a Future Order (FO), the down payment is subtracted from the balance to report a net Future Order balance. This balance equates to the Future Order balance in Customer Inquiry. FOs that are COD are not included in the Future Order balance.
Record locking
In some rare cases, you may encounter record locking during API calls that create sales orders. A warning is displayed stating a customer or customer ship to record is locked. In this case, run Sales Order Audit Report, selecting Yes for Update Order Files and Update Customer File options.