Sales Central Distribution Center Inquiry overview
Function acronym: OEIC
Use the Sales Central Distribution Center Inquiry to view and, optionally, update the status of orders in process for a central distribution center (CDC).
As CDC orders are entered in Sales Order Entry and shipped in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry or WL Entry Batch Shipping, the CDC Status is updated on the order to reflect its stage. These stages can be tracked and also updated in Sales Central Distribution Center Inquiry:
- Transfer Route
The order is shipped by the CDC warehouse, en route to the sales warehouse
- Received in Sales Warehouse
Order is received in the sales warehouse and staged for delivery to the customer.
- Shipped to Customer
Order is shipped to the customer or picked up by customer in the sales warehouse. The sales order can be invoiced after the CDC Status is updated to Shipped to Customer.
The orders displayed in the grid show the sales order stage, such as Shipped, the CDC Status, CDC Warehouse, and the Sales Warehouse.
If the CDC is a TWL warehouse, orders are tracked by Container #, which may represent a carton or pallet. Any status changes are applied to the carton and then rolled up to each order. You can also select Change By Order to view CDC orders by order number for the selected CDC order stage.
Warehouse personnel in the CDC can use Sales Central Distribution Center Inquiry to update a CDC order when it is shipped to the sales warehouse. Warehouse personnel in the sales warehouse can use Sales Central Distribution Center Inquiry to update a CDC order’s status when it is received from the CDC warehouse and then when it is shipped to or picked up by the customer.