Sales Order Entry - Maintain overview

Sales > Entry > Order

Use this page to access an existing order to edit. You cannot maintain an order after it is shipped.

For information about the field descriptions on this page, see Sales Order Entry - Initiate field descriptions.

Updating freight charges

You can add a business rule to not move the order stage to Shipped when sales orders are processed using the shipping interface API (sxapishippinginterface). Creation of backorders is also skipped if scheduled to be created at shipping. You can advance the order stage to Shipped in a separate step using Sales Shipping Feedback Entry screen.

This table shows the business rule setup:
Fields Value
Document Handler Config
Direction None
Node Name SxApi.ShippingInterface.ShipOrder
Attribute Name DoNotShip
Rule Type ConfigSetting
Rule Value True
Note: This business rule does not apply to TWL integration.