Sales Order Entry - Copy overview
Use the Copy function to copy the contents of an existing order to a new order. The new order can be for the same customer, or a different customer. You can also use this function to change a Quote into a Price/Discounting record.
All order types, except for Received on Account orders, can be copied. Orders in all stages can be copied, even orders that have been canceled or invoiced. You can merge several orders, or lines from several orders, to create a new order.
While copying, the Default Contract field contains the value of the original order and can be modified.
Except for these values, all the information on the old order is copied to the new order:
- Special price type discounts
- Whole order discounts
- Taxes
- Disposition
- Ship via
- Payment information
- Instructions
- Freight in/out
- Back orders
- Terms
- Substitutes
- Sales representative in/out
- Language
If the ARP is specified on the original order, it is copied to the new order when you perform these types of copies:
- Copy a to a Stock order
- Copy a Direct Order to another Direct Order
Otherwise, the ARP is obtained from each product's Product Warehouse Product Setup record.
Typically, taxes are recalculated based on the customer on the new order. Taxes are not recalculated when the order is copied to a Return Merchandise order and the original quote is not saved. The Return Merchandise order must have the same tax jurisdiction as the original order to clear the tax entries made to the General Ledger. For Will Call orders, the taxing information is found on these records:
- Customer Setup
- Customer Ship To Setup
- Product Warehouse Description Setup
Product surcharges are also recalculated based on the customer on the new order. The Product Surcharge Method and Product Surcharge Amount on the Customer Setup record are used. Product surcharges may also be recalculated if these settings were changed:
- Product surcharge in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs
- Surcharge type and amount settings in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs
Examples of when the Copy function is used
If a customer accepts a quote, copy the Quote to a Stock Order.
If several ship tos are to receive the same shipment, enter the order for one ship to. Copy the order to create orders for the other ship tos.
If customer wants to replicate an existing order, copy the order to a new Stock Order.
If an order with an expired cancel date is canceled through Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report or Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report, copy the canceled order to create a new order.
If a customer returns most of the products on an order, copy the order to a Return Merchandise order and then edit the RM.
The PO/WT Ties field on your operator record determines if you can copy a Direct Order to a Stock Order that has line DOs. These values are available in the PO/WT Ties:
- Allow Both PO and WT Ties: You can copy the Direct Order to a Stock Order with line DOs. A purchase order or warehouse transfer is also created.
- Do Not Allow Entry of Ties: You cannot copy the Direct Order.
- Allow PO Ties or Allow WT Ties: You can copy the Direct Order only if the type is allowed.
Purchase order and warehouse transfer creation also depends on these options in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing:
- Interface to Purchase Orders
- Interface to Warehouse Transfers
Controlling timeout errors
If you encounter timeout errors when you copy a sales order with a large number of lines, you can activate batch call processing. Batch call processing operates outside of the 1-minute system time-out constraint. Select Use Advanced Polling Interface Logic for Designated Service Interface Calls in SA Administrator Options-System-General to enable a batch process to run during Sales Order Entry-Copy.
As the batch process runs, a poller is initiated that tracks the status of the batch call using a database table that is updated as the batch process progresses. This status can be requested, in process,completed successfully, or completed with errors. If there are errors, a message is displayed to the screen with the specific error. When the status is completed successfully or completed with errors, the poller stops for that specific call and processing continues as normal.
System restrictions
Taxes are recalculated when any order type is copied. If rates are changed since the original order or quote was entered, the new rates are used. You can manually override the taxes that are calculated for orders that are copied to Return Merchandise orders.
Rates can be overridden on the sales order. You cannot copy an order to a customer that does not have tax information set up.
The Override option in SA Table Code Value Setup-Terms determines if you can override the discount by line item. If this option is not selected, you cannot copy an order for customer that allows discount override by line item. This message is displayed: Terms Cannot be Changed From Order to Line Based.
You can copy an order for a customer with line-based terms to a customer with order-based terms.
If back orders exist on the original order, they are copied to the new order. If the Net Available amount in Product Warehouse Product Setup cannot cover the quantity ordered on the new line items, a new back order may be created. Back order creation depends on these settings:
- The Back Order option in the Extended view
- The Create OE Back Orders At Stage field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.
If you use divisionalized accounting, the division number is validated. Old orders may not have a division number, or the division number is not valid for the customer record. If an invalid division number is on the new order, this message is displayed: Division Number Not Set Up in System Table - (SASTT).
You must specify a valid division number on the Customer Setup or Product Warehouse Description Setup before you can proceed.
If a line is canceled but the order still exists, the lost business lines are not copied. If an order is canceled, the lost business lines are copied and converted to active sales lines on the new order. If the original order or quote contains a cancel date on the order header, it is not copied to the new order. Even if you copy a quote to a quote, you must specify the cancel date on the new order.
If product surcharges, such as Rush, are overridden, the surcharge is not copied to the new order.
If an order that contains Rush lines is copied, the lines on the new order are not flagged as Rush. The number of rush lines in the new order's header is reset to zero.
Product conditions
If you copy an order that contains products that are not stocked in the warehouse, this message is displayed: Product #### Not in Warehouse ####. The line on the new order that contains that product is blank.
If a line item is special, nonstock, or lost business, the designation is copied to the new order when you copy these order types:
- Future Order
- Blanket Order
- Blanket Release
- Quote
- Standing Order
Additionally, the Usage field in Sales Order Entry-Extended is copied to the new order.
A DO line is not copied if the ARP warehouse on the product warehouse record is the same as the warehouse on the new order. This message is displayed: Order Line Has Invalid ARP; Line Not Copied (6192).
This message is also displayed to show line and product was not copied: For Line: ##, Product: xxx; Product Not Copied.
On the original order, the cross-referenced product and the original product are printed on the order. On the order that is copied, the cross-referenced product and the original product are also on the invoice.
If a regular product or kit product contains serial or lot numbers, you must maintain the new order to allocate serial or lot numbers.
If you copy an order that contains a build-on-demand kit with a non-stock component, the non-stock information is copied to the new order.
If a Quote Order is copied to a Stock or Counter Sale order, a prompt is displayed for each build-on-demand transfer kit. When the fabricating warehouse and ship via are identified, the work order and transfer are created.
When the new order is created, Inventory Control and Accounts Receivable are updated.
Pricing and Discounting (PD) record
To create a PD record from a Quote Order, select Pricing/Discounting in the Convert To field. If you try to create a PD record from any other order type, this message is displayed: PD Copy Allowed Only on Quote Orders (4774).
To create a PD record from a Quote Order, you must have this security on your operator record:
- Allow Entry must be selected in the Price/Discount Info field
- An authorization security level of 2
The price level on the PD record is a monetary amount unless the line item was entered with cost plus or margin pricing. The price level is then a percentage, and the Based On value is Cost or Margin.
If a default company was used on an order that was created through SX.API, you can copy the order to the correct customer. Ensure that you select Copy Notes, Copy Comments, and Copy EDI so that all EDI notes or comments are copied to the new order. The Copy function for SX.API orders does not delete the original order. You must manually delete it.
Catch weight products
If you copy an order containing products designated as a Catch Weight Product, the designation is validated based on current settings in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, and Product Setup-General. If valid, the designation is copied. If an Actual Total Weight value is specified for this line, that value is set to zero for the copied order. The latter allows the actual weight to be specified when this copied order is shipped during Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. Similar action is taken when creating these lines:
- When sales order lines are backordered, new OEEL records are created for the remaining order quantity. The Catch Weight product designation remains the same as the parent line (-00 suffix). Actual Total Weight is set to zero.
- When Blanket Order lines are created, new OEEL records are created. The Catch Weight product designation remains the same as the parent line (-00 suffix). Actual Total Weight is set to zero.
- When Warranty Exchange lines are created, new OEEL records are created. The Catch Weight product designation remains the same as the parent line (-00 suffix). Actual Total Weight is set to zero.