Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder Entry overview
Function acronym: OEERS
If a customer requests that you immediately ship a portion of a Tag & Hold, Ship Complete, or Nonstock order, use this function to create a split release.
The split release function is also useful when the warehouse is unable to place all items on an order on one delivery truck. The items delayed for a later delivery can be moved to a backorder and a new pick ticket printed.
When you create a split release, the stocked items that the customer needs can be shipped and the remainder moved to a backorder. On a Ship Complete order, this moves the Ship Complete disposition to the new (last) suffix that is created by the split.
Split releases can be created for regular orders as well, as long as they are in Stage 1 (Ordered) or Stage 2 (Picked). Future releases can be made off of the back orders until the entire order is shipped. Lines that have not been canceled on subsequent orders can be split.
The BO Ship Complete option in Product Warehouse Description Setup-Extended determines whether first-generation backorders are automatically set to Ship Complete. This field applies to the initial back order only. If an order is split, the Ship Complete setting of the initial order is assigned to the new order created by the split. To prevent the split order from being set to Ship Complete, clear the setting before the split.
Direct and drop lines are not displayed on the Line Items view in Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder Entry. Backorder fill moves any drop ship lines to a new suffix.
You can also access Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder Entry by clicking on the Quick Ship window in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
Address Override: The Address Override setting is part of the Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Override setting is selected from the Address Validation pop-up. The pop-up window is automatically displayed from the tax-related address sections of this function if there are errors or differences. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested third-party address. Third-party address is available with AvaTax and Vertex Cloud. From the pop-up window, you can update the address. You can also select the Address Override option. This override accommodates a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of the third-party's calculation. For example, AvaTax instead makes the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.