Sales Entry Processing Print Receipt Report overview
Function acronym: OEEPR
Use the Sales Entry Processing Print Receipt Report to print a sales order receipt on demand. This uses the same report that prints a receipt automatically in a counter sale environment.
Normally, a default receipt printer is specified on a user's SA Operator Setup record, enabling the automatic printing of a receipt to that printer for cash transactions tendered in Sales Order Entry. Receipt printers are usually set up as part of cash drawer implementation. To print an additional receipt on demand, you can use the Sales Entry Processing Print Receipt Report, specifying the order number and indicating whether it is for an open or closed cash drawer.
Note: Lines on an order printed on the Sales Entry Processing Print Receipt
Report must be active in order to be included on the receipt. Active
lines on tendered orders are those in Stages 1 to 3. After an order is invoiced, if
it is tendered in full, it is moved to the Paid stage, and no lines are printed on
the Sales Entry Processing Print Receipt Report.