Sales Entry Processing Delivery Document Report overview
Function acronym: OEEPD
Use this report to print Delivery Documents for sales orders. The Delivery Document is similar to a pick ticket, but is a customer-facing record of the sales order being delivered by the distributor.
It is not an internal control document for warehouse personnel (for example, it would not contain pick ticket-like notes or shipping instructions). The Delivery Document is typically printed after the sales order is picked and would include any changes to the order that might have occurred during picking.
Unlike the pick ticket, printing a Delivery Document does not change the stage of the order or update inventory. The Delivery Document can be set up to include the price. You can set operator security for printing of the document; you can track the number of copies. The Delivery Document can be in print, PDF, or e-mail format.
You can print Delivery Documents for the following order types: sales order, counter sale, return merchandise, blanket release. Optionally, you can print BOD Kit Components (non-transferable only), if the Print on Invoice option is selected in Product Setup-General-Kit.
Configure the Delivery Document in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing. To determine how the price prints on the Delivery Document, you can assign a Delivery Document print price type to a customer in Customer Setup. You can also assign a Delivery Document printer to warehouses in Product Warehouse Description Setup. You can also set up an event in SA Event Mgr Activate Event Entry that notifies you if a Delivery Document is being reprinted.
Use the Personalize feature to add the Delivery Print Price field to the Customer Order Settings in Sales Order Entry. You can then print these documents individually from Sales Order Entry, or as a batch using Sales Entry Print Delivery Document Report. This report allows you to print the Delivery Document. This function can run as a demand job through Report Scheduler.