Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgment Report overview
Function acronym: OEEPA
Use this report to send acknowledgments to customers and ship tos to confirm that their orders have been received and correctly entered. You can send acknowledgments or the customer can request them for their files. Printing acknowledgments has no effect on the stage of the order.
You can print acknowledgments for mailing or send them electronically by email, EDI, and other methods. The Acknowledgements (EDI 855) field in Customer Setup-eCommerce or Customer Ship To Setup-eCommerce determines the output method. When the field is blank, the acknowledgments are printed using the address from the sales order header.
To use EDI to send purchase orders to vendors, see the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.
Order acknowledgments can also be used to confirm order changes. For example, when products are substituted or back ordered, you can acknowledge these changes with the customer so they are aware of what they will receive.
An order is marked with an acknowledgment date when an acknowledgment is processed using the range or list option in the Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgements Report. When you process an acknowledgment using the range option, the system checks for an acknowledgment date, and if there is an acknowledgment date, then another acknowledgment is not processed. When you process an acknowledgment using the list option, the system does not check for an acknowledgment date, so the acknowledgment is always processed and the acknowledgment date is updated. You can view the acknowledgment date on the Sales Order Master List Report.
The acknowledgments can be printed in standard or non-standard formats. You select the print format you prefer in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing in the Acknowledgements section. Options can be selected for both acknowledgement and quote order forms generated when you run Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgement Report. You can also print the headings on the acknowledgment or suppress them. If you do not to print the headings, then the document name prints so you can identify the document. If you use custom pre-printed forms, do not print the headings.
Pick tickets, invoices, acknowledgments, and bills of lading will use the bill-to address or ship-to address specified on the sales order header, which defaults from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record. If the sales order header contains a language code, then the corresponding product descriptions, addons, and terms are incorporated. Order discounts, restock charges, addons, core charge and any other associated amount are listed on the acknowledgment and calculated into the invoice total.
If more than one product cross-reference record exists and one record is a customer product cross-reference and another is a non-customer product cross-reference, then an extra line with the customer product cross-reference prints on acknowledgments, pick tickets, and invoices when the non-customer product cross-reference is entered in Sales Order Entry. The customer product cross-reference set up in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup prints below the line that prints for the non-customer product cross reference.
If the product is a build on demand kit, then all the components are printed on the acknowledgments. If substitutes, upgrades, or superseded products are chosen, then the original product is also included on the acknowledgment.
The Print option in KP Component Setup and Print on Invoice option in Product Setup determines whether kit group components are printed on invoices and acknowledgments. Both must be selected to list components on invoices and acknowledgments.
When you print an acknowledgment for a direct order, Order Acknowledgement - Direct Order is displayed on the document. Orders that contain Line DOs are distinguished by **Direct Order** printed for each line, and **Drop Ship** is printed for the Ship Point.
When you print an acknowledgment for an original order that has been tendered and back orders exist, this message is printed on the original order. If the original order is canceled, then the message is not printed.
Full Amount Tendered For All Orders: ########.##
***Back Order/Release Exists***
For all order types, the amount tendered also appears on the original order. If a rounding difference exists on an order, then it increases or decreases the down payment totals and invoice totals.
Stand-alone comments
External stand-alone comments print directly below the product line according to their line and sequence numbers. Subtotal lines print below the last product line that is included in the subtotal. A subtotal line can be added after stand alone comments. Optionally, stand-alone comments can be added after the subtotal line is added to determine the print order of these lines.