Sales Entry Journal Print overview
Function acronym: OEEJ
Use this function to print sales journals. During Sales Order Entry, a journal opens after you post the first order in which cash is exchanged during tendering of Stock Orders (SO) and for the Counter Sales (CS) order type. For receive on account (ROA) orders, you are prompted to open the journal before any transactions can be posted.
Each time a journal is created and the first transaction is posted, SA Journal Setup is read to determine the next available journal number. Journal numbers are unique within each company. The transactions that are entered during the session are tied to the journal number that is assigned.
Journals do not automatically print after Sales Order Entry or invoice processing is complete. All Sales journals must be printed through this function. The journals vary depending on the report parameters chosen. The most common usage is to print one journal number or a range of journal numbers after all processing is complete for the day. The journal is the printed audit trail of related financial entries made during the day. An operator's Update GL option in SA Operator Setup-Other Options must be Yes to update the General Ledger.
If the account description beneath the report's Title column is blank, it indicates the operator's GL defaults are set to Journal. A Journal update means transactions are posted to the General Ledger as memo records. These records have no effect on the account code's period balances. Change the Update GL field to Yes to prevent discrepancies between the module balances and General Ledger.
If you are printing an invoice processing journal, Sales Entry Journal Print is based on the invoice processing posting. During Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, you can elect to post all transactions to General Ledger in detail, or only post to suspense accounts in detail. If the Only Post Detail if Invoice in Suspense option in Sales Entry Processing Invoice Report is set to Yes, posting in detail only occurs if an out-of-balance condition occurs and a posting must be made to suspense accounts. If the option is set to No, posting by detail is done for all orders invoiced. These detail transactions are reflected in Sales Journal Print if you select the Print G/L Distribution With Detail Lines option is set to Yes in this function.
If you have activated the cash drawer management feature, the report includes General Ledger transactions generated from Sales Drawer Transaction Entry for (T)rans and (B)oth types. These transactions do not show for the (I)nvoice type report. In the Type column, cash drawer is shown as CD.
If you have not closed the journal before running Sales Journal Print, this message is displayed on the upper-left corner of each page:
***Printing An Open Journal***
When you print a journal before you invoice the corresponding order, another message is displayed on the Summary For Journal # Totals.
***OE Debits And Credits Not Equal Jrnl Assign (SASJ) Balance***
When the amount to the right of this message is 0.00, the journal is still open. If an amount is listed, it is likely that only part of the journal is being printed. This can happen if a set number range is used to limit the information that is printed. In this case, the amount is equal to the complete journal amount.
If you have a power failure or invoice processing is stopped due to a system failure, run SA Administrator Journal Recovery. This function recovers invoice processing journals. If the journal is closed and another journal is opened to recover data, print both journals.
If the journal is out-of-balance due to the system failure, the suspense debit and suspense credit accounts are updated to bring the journal in balance. Therefore, you must print the journals after the recovery is complete to ensure the correct General Ledger account codes are updated.
Although there are several ranges available to print a journal, it is best to limit the number of ranges used to one or two. If more ranges are specified, the report can become complex and difficult to understand. Common combinations include:
- Journal Number
- Journal Number / Set #
- Posting Date
- Operator
This report is arranged by journal number then by order number.
If this report is being printed for a foreign customer (one associated with a foreign currency), the currency type and the calculated domestic value are displayed on the report.