Sales Drawer Reconciliation Entry overview
Function acronym: OEEDR
Use this function to reconcile the cash drawer.
Use this function only if you have activated cash drawer management functionality.
If you search for a Warehouse and Drawer ID in Sales Drawer Reconciliation Entry, that Drawer ID is locked. Other operators who try to access the Drawer ID are denied access or notified that the drawer is in use. This drawer remains locked until the reconcile is completed. The operator performing the reconcile, in contrast, can still access Sales Drawer Transaction Entry to make adjustments to remedy a discrepancy.
In the Search function, the Warehouse value is auto-populated with the Home Whse value from the operator's SA Operator Setup-Static Information configuration, if specified. If the SA Operator Setup-Static Information option, Restrict to Home Warehouse/Group, is set to Yes, the operator can only reconcile cash drawers for the home warehouse.
- Action buttons: These buttons become available as you work through
the reconciliation. The action buttons are:
- Product Cash Drawer Setup, establishes a new starting balance, and makes postings to the General Ledger. : Click to complete the reconciliation of the drawer. This action also updates fields in
- : The counted balance, the current transactions, and the starting balance are calculated by the system. Any discrepancy amount is displayed.
- : Click to terminate the reconciliation and unlock drawer.
, , and : - Sub Totals: In the left panel, the Sub Totals of the transactions are displayed. The Type and Amount provides a quick view of the payment type totals. For example, the total for all petty cash transactions is shown. These totals are a net value.
- Transactions grid: When you specify the Warehouse and Drawer ID and click , any transactions for this drawer are then displayed in the Transactions grid. This includes transactions from Sales Order Entry tendering and Receive on Account, Sales Drawer Transaction Entry, and SX.API. The grid shows details about the transaction. A hyperlink to the order inquiry and journal inquiry is provided.
If the reconcile operator tries to close the reconcile function, but they have not finished the reconcile operation by updating, a question is displayed: Closing the function without selecting Yes to unlock the Cash Drawer and continue closing the function or No to continue closing the function but leaving the Cash Drawer locked.
leaves the Cash Drawer locked. SelectCompletion of a reconciliation updates these fields for the Drawer ID in Product Cash Drawer Setup: Last Amount Left in Drawer, Last Reconciled.