Sales Maintain Commission Entry overview
Function acronym: OEEC
Use this function to modify the commission information stored with each sales order line. After you have entered the order and line you want to modify, you can change the outside and inside sales representative, commission type, commission cost, manual commission option, and inside and outside commission amounts.
This can be particularly useful if a commission plan was defined or a commission plan was changed after an order was invoiced. The new changes replace the existing commission information for that line. Only one line can be modified at a time.
After entering the order number in the Search panel, the line items for the selected order are displayed. Drill down on the line item you want to change. You are able to change the commission information on the Maintain window.
Commissions should not be changed after the SM Commission Report has been processed with the Update Commissions option set to Yes. If you change paid commissions through this function after SM Commission Report is run in update mode, the commission totals in Sales Commissions Setup are not updated.