KP Option Setup overview
Function acronym: KPSO
Use this function to set up option components. You must set up option components before you can add them to kits.
An option list provides flexibility for assembly kits. Unlike group components, option components are not automatically added to the kit during KP Work Order Center Entry. Instead, you are notified that one or more option lists are present for the kit. You can view the option list and select components from the list. If an option list required for the kit, you must select at least one component from list. For example, assume you have a component for a door assembly kit with a "glass" option list. If each door must have a glass panel, this list would be a required option list. It would include all of the various glass options from which you can select the appropriate glass component for the kit.
Option components must be active; inactive, build-on-demand kits, and core charge products cannot be used.
Remanufactured core products can be kit options, or they can be added when the kit parent item is entered on an order. If you order a remanufactured core product as a component, the parent item of the kit must also be a remanufactured core product. Remanufactured core products cannot be added as components to nonstock kits. Implied core products do not qualify as a component item. A dirty core item may be a component item on a kit. The parent item of such a kit may be either a standard product or a remanufactured core product. When the quantity shipped is specified for a remanufactured core product, the quantity shipped for the associated implied core product line is automatically revalued. The quantity shipped for the implied core product line is determined by this formula:
the quantity shipped for the remanufactured core product line multiplied by the value in the Implied Quantity field in Product Setup.