KP Work Order Inquiry - Work Order Details - Kit Components overview
Use this page to view the components that are included on the work order. You can see whether the product is required, substituted, a lot product, serialized, part of a group, a reference, or Warehouse Manager controlled.
Product availability
The system checks the Product Availability field in Sales Order Entry - Line Items or Extended by totaling each product on the kit by its components. This total is then used to calculate the number of kits that can be built. For example, if one sequence needs a quantity of 1 and there is a negative component for the same item (-1), demand is not recorded.
As needed products
You can create additional component records for optional components and keyword components. You can add order-as-needed products to the prebuilt kit, however, you cannot add nonstock or special components. These types of components are only allowed for build-on-demand kits, which cannot be entered in KP Work Order Center Entry - Quick Entry. You can make modifications to component and group product records based on the Kit Component Setup settings, for example, variable quantity and substitutes allowed. Any changes you make to the component records affect only the current prebuilt kit record. Permanent changes to component records must be made in KP Component Setup.
Substitutes and supersedes
If a component has insufficient inventory to build the kit and cross references are available, Yes displays in the Cross Reference column in the Kit Component grid. You cannot make any changes to components in this inquiry. Any changes must be made in KP Work Order Center Entry.
Options are set up in KP Option Setup. The option lists are assigned in KP Option Setup. Options are alternative components available for customized kits. Options are not automatically included in the component list during entry. Instead, you are notified that one or more option lists are present in the kit specifications.
Keywords are assigned in KP Option Setup. Keywords are used with the inventory files to produce a list of products matching the keyword specifications. The keyword list is dynamic. If the keywords are required, you cannot proceed in KP Work Order Center Entry until you have chosen a keyword.