KP Entry Print Work Orders Report overview
Function acronym: KPEP
Use this report to print work orders for kit products.
You can access this report from the menu. You can also click KP Work Order Center Entry to run this report. You can print the report in a standard or custom print format, based the print format set up in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Kit Production-Printing.
inTo be included on the report, outstanding work orders must be listed on the report or must fall within the ranges on the report. The quantity shipped must be greater than zero.
When you run the report, Product Setup records are reviewed for qualifying kit records. After the kit product records are identified, the corresponding Product Warehouse Product Setup records are reviewed. Each printed work order includes the information that is required to assemble the kit.
The number of times that the work order was printed is tracked. Whenever a work order is reprinted, ***REPRINT*** is displayed on the work order.
Click a link to access additional information:
Kit Product
For each kit product, this information is included on the report:
- Work order number
- Warehouse
- Product name and description
- Quantity ordered
- Quantity shipped and unit
- Stocking quantity ordered
- Stocking quantity shipped and stocking unit
- Date entered
Unit conversions are made, if required.
Component Product
For each component product, this information is included on the report:
- Sequence number
- Component product and description
- Quantity per kit
- Quantity shipped and unit
- Stocking quantity shipped and stocking unit
- Bin location
Bin locations 1 and 2 from Product Warehouse Product Setup or Warehouse Manager bin locations
Unit conversions are made, if required.
If you interface with Warehouse Manager, updates in these functions affect the WM Bin Location Setup records:
- KP Work Order Center Entry and KP Entry
Recommended Work Orders Report: Enter Assemble
- Component Committed: Increased
- Kit Received: Increased
- Negative Component: Received
- KP Work Order Center Entry: Enter disassemble
- Component Received: Increased
- Kit Committed: Increased
- KP Work Order Center Entry: Update assemble
- Component On Hand and Committed: Decreased
- Kit On Hand: Increased
- Negative Component On Hand: Increased
- KP Work Order Center Entry: Update disassemble
- Component On Hand: Increased
- Kit On Hand and Committed: Decreased
The quantities that are reserved through KP Work Order Center Entry or the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report are moved to the Committed balance in Product Warehouse Product Setup when the work order is initially printed. If you reprint the work order, balances are not affected.
- KP Entry Print Work Order Report: Enter assemble
- Component Committed: Increased
- Component Reserved: Decreased
- Kit: No Change
- Negative Component: No Change
- KP Work Order Center Entry: Update assemble
- Component On Hand: Increased
- Kit On Hand, Committed if work order printed, and Reserved if work order printed: Decreased
- KP Work Order Center Entry: Update assemble
- Component On Hand, Committed if work order printed,v, and Reserved if work order not printed: Decreased
- Kit On Hand: Increased
- Kit On Order: Decreased
- Negative Component On Hand: Increased
- KP Entry Print Work Order Report: Enter disassemble
- Component: No Change
- Kit Committed: Increased
- Kit Reserved: Decreased
- Negative Component: No Change
If you enter a negative component transaction, the product warehouse record is not affected until the final update is performed in KP Work Order Center Entry. The On Hand quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs is increased when you click .
Back Orders
If these conditions are met, a back order is created if there is an insufficient component quantity to build all kits on the work order:
- Picking (2) is selected in the Create KP Back Orders At Stage field in SA Administrator Options-Kit Production-Processing
- Back orders are allowed for the work order.
The quantity that is required to complete the work order is recorded in the demand balance on the Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs record for the component.
If back orders are not allowed for the work order, the demand in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs is recorded when the work order is created. The difference between the amount ordered and the amount shipped remains in demand until a RRAR is run and the remainder of the work order is filled. After the work order is printed, the demand balance is reduced.
Pending Receipts
The document print functions for pick tickets, warehouse transfers, and kit work orders validate this information:
- What products can be picked from the warehouse
- What products can be picked from pending receipts
If you fill orders with pending receipts, print the picking-related documents before you take these actions:
- Print the associated pre-receiving report
- Remove any products from the receipts and manually allocate to orders
If you can reserve inventory against pending receipts, the document includes bin locations and quantities to pick from stock inventory and the quantities to pick from pending receipts.
If you use bulk pick tickets, the breakdown of picking quantities and locations can also be included.