Product Setup - General - Multiple Language Setup overview
Use this page to create product descriptions in all languages supported by your company.
The product description prints on these documents, based on the language that is specified on customer and vendor records:
- Pick tickets
- Acknowledgments
- Purchase orders
- Warehouse transfers
- Invoices
You can specify the alternate language product description that is printed on pick tickets in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing. To print the alternate language product description from the sales order header, specify Order in the Language field. To print the description from the Product Setup alternate language description that matches the operator's preferred language, select Warehouse.
The alternate language product description can also be displayed in search results, including the MRU (Most Recently Used), Type Ahead list, or in Elastic Search. If your users have specified a preferred language in SA Operator Setup, the alternate language product description that matches their preferred language is displayed.
This window is available only if a default language is selected in SA Company Setup, even if the language is English. Click the button on the Product Setup - General window to access the window.
See Multi-language product descriptions in searches.
You can print the product descriptions in the language defined for your Company or the Warehouse on the Product Entry Physical Count Report and Product Entry Cycle Count Report.
You can specify the language in which you want to print the product descriptions in the Language field in Product Warehouse Description Setup-General. Then select whether to print the product descriptions in the language defined for your company or the warehouse in the Physical Count Language and Cycle Count Language fields on the Count view.