Product Warehouse Description Setup - Extended overview

Product > Setup > Warehouse Description

Use this page to set up Warehouse Transfer, Package Shipping, ARP, Service Warranty, Kits, SRO Addons, and Workflow information fro the warehouse.

Warehouse Transfer

The shipping warehouse can approve or disapprove the warehouse transfer before it affects their inventory, depending on the Approve option.

Package Shipping Info

If you interface with a third party shipping application, use this section to enter invoice and pick ticket printing information.

Authorized Replenishment Patch

The authorized replenishment path, or ARP, is the standard method that this warehouse uses to obtain products. If your ARP is another warehouse, select one of these options:

  • Stock is automatically pushed from a central warehouse to a remote warehouse for replenishment.
  • The remote warehouse must request stock from the central warehouse before a shipment is made.


For each warehouse, specify operators as the branch manager, the operations manager, and the regional operator. The values in these fields are used when you send action notifications, based on events that occur in the system.

Service Warranty

If you interface to the Service Warranty module, use this section to establish and control Service Repair Order (SRO) numbers and warranty claim numbers. Use this information to establish a unique numbering scheme for each warehouse location.


Use the Split Bill option to determine whether the Split Billing window is displayed when a partial kit back order is created. If the back ordered component comprises the majority of the kit’s value, you can delay the billing until you can ship the component.

SRO Addons

Use this section to assign SRO addons to the warehouse. These addons default in SW SRO Transaction Entry unless they have been excluded at the customer level in Customer Setup.


Use the Workflow section to define how backorders are handled for the warehouse.