Product Trial Balance of Non Stock Inventory Report overview

Product > Reports > IC Reports > ICRTN

Function acronym: ICRTN

Use this report to compare the balance of the General Ledger Inventory account to the subsidiary valuation of the nonstock inventory in Product Adjust Non-Stock/Direct Order Entry. The subsidiary value is determined by taking all the active nonstock lines in the internal nonstock line item record (ICENL) file, and comparing that total to the General Ledger balance for Nonstock Inventory.

Note: Close all open journals before you run this report. If a journal is open, the journal number, operator, function name, date and time are displayed at the top of the report. Find the journal, close it, and then rerun the report.
The Product Non-stock/Direct Order Report is a complementary report to the Product Trial Balance of Non Stock Inventory Report and shows all of the active nonstock lines.
Note: Nonstocks are tracked by creating nonstock header records (ICENH) and nonstock line records (ICENL). The Nonstock Inventory balancing system uses the same file as the Direct Order balancing system. The records are identified by an N for Nonstock and D for Direct Order records.

A nonstock record is unique based on product number and product category. If a nonstock product is either going into or out of inventory, the system determines whether an existing active internal header record exists. If one does not exist, one is created. A line record is also created and is associated with the header record. When the nonstock record is resolved, the line record is inactivated. When all lines associated with the header record have been inactivated, the header record is inactivated as well.

For example, you receive a purchase order that contains nonstock product 123. Five are received at $20.00 each. The product category is 001.

This General Ledger entry is made:
Nonstock Inventory $100.00
Uninvoiced Inventory $100.00

These nonstock records are created:

  • An active internal line item record is created for product 123 and category 001.
  • A positive line item record is created for product 123; quantity of 5 at $20.00 each; category 001.
These General Ledger entries are made when the order is invoice processed:
Cost of Goods Sold $100.00
Nonstock Inventory $100.00

A negative line item record is created for 5 @ $20.00 and category 001. Because the lines are at a combined balance of 0, the header record is not inactivated.

Key inventory setup options

Function Option
Product General Ledger Distribution Setup Balance Sheet Account for Nonstock Inventory
SA Operator Setup-GL R&D Operator Account for Nonstock Inventory
SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults Over Fill Tied Order Qty With Receipt Qty - PO Receipts/WT Receipts
SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders Over Fill Tied Order Qty With Receipt Qty - PO Receipts/WT Receipts