Product Nonstock/Direct Order Report overview
Function acronym: ICRON
Use this report to generate a year-to-date report on active and inactive nonstocks and direct order products.
Nonstock and direct order products are tracked by a set of information. When a nonstock or direct order product is received through Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, a header and a line of detail is created for the set. After the product is processed through Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and the set is balanced, the set becomes inactive and can be closed.
If you override the sales order quantity or costs to correct commissions and margin reporting before you invoice the order, the set remains open. When you generate the Product Warehouse Inventory Audit Report, a posting is made if a set is open. If the set has already been closed, no posting is done when you generate the audit report.
After the nonstock or direct order set is closed, its disposition is determined by the Purge NS/DO After Closing option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults. If this option not selected, the set is archived. If the option is selected, the closed set is deleted. Deleted sets are not included on the report.
Any Direct Orders that were unlinked from their associated Direct Order purchases orders (DO POs) are shown in the Unlinked Direct Order Inventory section on the report. This section includes unlined DO ties order sets that are received. After the product is processed in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and the set is balanced, the set becomes inactive and can be closed.