Product Core Product Totals Report overview
Function acronym: ICRCP
Use this report to view core products and dirty core products that are due from customer, that you owe the vendor, or that are in inventory
One detail line of information is included in the report for each remanufactured or dirty core product. Purchase orders for vendors and order lines for customers and quantities are included.
This formula is used to calculate surplus, based on usage:
Implied Quantity + Dirty Core Quantity On Hand + Work-In-Process Inventory* + Customer Unexpired Quantity Due** - Amount Owed to Vendor - Quantity in the number of usage months for the remanufactured product
*Includes core products on open service warranty work orders and uninvoiced customer orders.
**Surplus is calculated from the quantity in Product Adjust Core
Master Entry minus the transactions in Product Adjust Core
Allocation Entry that are not expired.
Note: Vendor surplus is calculated
with the same formula, but does not include the usage quantity.