Product Inquiry - Overview overview

Product > Inquiry > Product

Use this tab to view the complete information of the product for the specified product and warehouse in the search window.

To view this tab, you must set the security for the ICIP Overview function on the SA Operator Setup-Function Security screen.

Note: The Warehouse field in the search window is defaulted with the value defined in the Warehouse Group field on the SA Operator Setup screen. If this is not defined, you can specify manually.

The product information is grouped in collapsible sections, also called cards, that contain data from other tabs and screens. It is presented in standard static fields, key performance indicator (KPI) charts, and other visual components. The different sections that you can view for a product are Sales Overview, Usage, and Availability.

The first section contains the basic information about the product such as:
  • The image of the product that is uploaded to the Infor Document Management (IDM) application.
    Note: To upload an image of a product for the first time, you must download the Product Images template from the master KB article and import the template to the IDM application. In the template, you can upload the image and specify the required information for the product.
  • An icon to play the video for the YouTubeURL that is specified in the Attributes tab of the IDM application.
  • The product ID that you specify in the search window.
  • A short description of the product is fetched from the Product Setup screen.
  • The Manufacturer Product is fetched from the Product Availability Inquiry screen. This field contains the hyperlink of the ManufacturerURL that is specified in the Attributes tab of the IDM application.
  • The Vendor Product is fetched from the Product Availability Inquiry screen. This field contains the hyperlink of the VendorURL that is specified in the Attributes tab of the IDM application.
  • The status of the product and warehouse product. The status of the warehouse product is displayed if you specify the warehouse in the search window.
  • The stock information of the product.
  • The type of tax that is defined for the product.
  • The drillback link of the Average Lead Time KPI redirects you to the Replenishment tab of the Product Inquiry screen.
  • The drillback link of the On Order KPI redirects you to the Product Availability Inquiry screen.
  • The drillback link for the On Hand KPI redirects you to the Product Availability Inquiry screen.
  • The fields for static information such as stocking unit, category, vendor, sales rank, hits rank, and GMROI rank.

Sales Overview

This section displays sales information for the product. This section contains:
  • The colored bar charts of the sales, cost, and margin for Year To Date (YTD) and Last Year To Date (LYTD). You can hover on the bar to see the data in numeric value. The cost and margin columns are displayed or hidden based on the cost options on the SA Operator Setup screen. Additionally, you can use the drill back links within each bar to view the detailed information. For example:
    • If you click the YTD sales bar, you are navigated to the Order Details tab of the Product Inquiry screen with the YTD dates filled in the Additional Search section. The grid displays the sales orders for YTD.
    • If you click the LYTD sales bar, you are navigated to the Order Details tab of the Product Inquiry screen with the LYTD dates filled in the Additional Search section. The grid displays the sales orders for LYTD.
  • The margin percentage for YTD and the LYTD are displayed with an arrow indicator.

    If the margin percentage of YTD is more than the margin percentage of LYTD, the arrow is upward in green. If the margin percentage of YTD is less than the margin percentage of LYTD, the arrow is downward in red.

  • The Warehouse/Product Period Totals grid contains the tabular data of periodical sales for YTD and LYTD. The details of sales include units sold, units lost, net sales, discounts, and cost. This data is fetched from the SM Warehouse/Products Master List Report.


The usage section displays the periodical usage information of the product in the specified warehouse. The usage data is fetched from the Warehouse Product Setup screen. The data is displayed in the form of bar charts for current and previous periods. You can hover on the bar to see the data in numeric value of the normal usage and transfer usage.


This section displays the bar charts for the current and surplus availability of the product in the specified warehouse. You can hover on the bar to see the data in numeric value.

The chart for current availability is in three colors with details such as total available, quantity reserved, and committed. You can use the drill back link to view the current availability information of the product in the Product tab of the Product Availability Inquiry screen.

The chart for surplus availability is in two colors with the details such as short-term surplus, and long-term surplus. You can use the drill back links to view the surplus availability information of the product in the Warehouse Availability tab of the Product Availability Inquiry screen.