Product Availability Inquiry - Product overview

Product > Inquiry > Product Availability

Function acronym: ICIA

Use this tab to view availability information for a specific product.

This type of availability information is provided:

  • Future availability
  • Current availability
  • Ordered dates
  • Received dates
  • Sold dates
  • Counted dates
  • Last stock out dates

Use this inquiry when you create sales orders and want to know if you have enough quantity available. Use the combination of the On Order, Received, Back Ordered, and Demanded quantities from Product Warehouse Product Setup and the next receipt date to make that prediction.

Available Now

In Product Warehouse Product Setup, the Ordering Usage Received quantity indicates the quantity that was received but is not yet available for sale. The On Order quantity indicates how much is currently on order. The next receipt date is an approximation of when you will receive the next shipment. The shipment may not be for the entire On Order quantity if there is more than one outstanding purchase order. The On Order quantity includes the quantity for kit parent products on active work orders. The purchase order number or warehouse transfer number is displayed in the Next Receipt section, along with the quantity. Click the PO number/vendor hyperlink to access Purchase Order Inquiry.

If you have integrated with Infor Service Management, you can view rental products or equipment, including serial products, that are available or currently rented. In the Search function, specify a rental product and a rental warehouse and click Search. An API call is made to Service Management to verify the quantity and rental status of the product. In the Available Now section, two fields show the results of this verification:

  • -Committed: The quantity is increased by the quantity currently rented.
  • =Total Available Now: The quantity is decreased by the quantity currently rented.

Available Future

The Available Future section displays the quantities you expect to receive in the near future. The quantities on purchase orders, warehouse transfers, and kit parent products on active work orders are included in the On Order quantity. The last quantities to consider are the Back Ordered and Demanded quantities from Product Warehouse Product Setup. The On Order quantity you will receive must be reduced by the quantity currently on back order. The On Order quantity you will receive must be reduced also by the unfilled quantities on transfers and prebuilt kits (Demand). Part or all of the On Order quantity may be used to fill the back orders. The remainder, if any, is available for sale.

The buyer is displayed on this inquiry. This helps direct questions to the correct individual when necessary.


The General section displays general product information from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. It includes the dates the product was last ordered, received, sold, and counted. It also includes the average lead time, and when it was last stocked out. Stock out information includes the total days out of stock and number of times out of stock. The Last Stock Out date and frequency and length of stock outs identifies if your company is not maintaining adequate stock levels for the selected product.

Overseas Trade

If you use the Overseas Trade module, view the Overseas Trade section. This section shows the quantities of the selected product that are tracked within the Overseas Trade module. These include any quantities in production, in transit, at the dock, or at the warehouse and unloaded. Pertinent dates that apply to these stages are also displayed.


Use this function to view information about the current and future availability of a product in a warehouse, including surplus.

Bin Location

If you are tracking bin location for this product, bin information is displayed in the Bin Location section.

Next Receipt

The Next Receipt Date defaults from the Due field in Purchase Order Inquiry.