Product Entry Journal Print Report overview
Function acronym: ICEJ
Use this report to print all journals. The report provides a written audit trail of adjustments made to your inventory and the General Ledger. It offers a detailed description of activity per product and a summary showing debits and credits and the accounts affected. Use the report to check your work.
A journal opens each time a function that updates General Ledger is accessed. Each time a journal is created and the first transaction is posted, SA Journal Setup determines the next available journal number. Journal numbers are unique within each company. The transactions entered during the posting session are tied to the journal number that is assigned.
Journals will not automatically print after Product Quantity Adjustments Entry, Product Maintain Costs Entry (for average and last cost adjustments) and Product Adjust Nonstock/Direct Order Entry are complete. Journals vary depending on the report parameters chosen. The most common use of the report is to print one journal number or a range of journal numbers after all daily processing is completed.
The current bin locations in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General will print and do not reflect the bin location for any previous point in time (historical).
If the product is a special cost product, the special cost unit appears beside the cost column.
Because there are several ranges available when processing a journal, we recommend you keep the number of ranges to one or two. If more ranges are selected, the report can become very complex and difficult to understand. Common combinations include:
- Journal Number Period
- Journal Number/Set # Open Date