Product Adjust Core Master Entry overview
Function acronym: ICEAM
Use this function to view transaction records that are created for remanufactured and implied core products that are entered on an order line. You can also create new records and edit existing records to update the fields that are associated with the original sale.
You can search for core master transactions on sales orders, purchase orders, or warehouse transfer. You can specify additional selection criteria, such as order and suffix number, warehouse, product, customer number, and vendor number, to display specific core transactions.
Core master transaction records show the original sales of the remanufactured core items and implied core charges. If you specify a remanufactured core product on a new order, the ratio between the remanufactured core product and the implied core charge is obtained from Product Setup for the remanufactured core product. If you edit an order, the implied quantity ratio is obtained from the existing Product Adjust Core Master Entry record. Returns are allocated against the original sales when the return is entered. Product Adjust Core Master Entry controls the number of allocations (returns) allowed against the original order and returns the core item at the correct implied cost.
If a core product is back ordered on a sales order or a Return Merchandise (RM), Product Adjust Core Master Entry and ICEAT transaction files are created for the back-ordered amount.
Fully allocated and invoiced or received core master transactions are closed during invoice processing or receiving. Remanufactured return records for remanufactured core products and sales of remanufactured core products with completely allocated quantities are also closed.
You cannot delete active core master transaction records from related core product records. Before you can delete the record, you must inactivate the core master records. When you delete a core product record, all core records that are related to the product are deleted.
You can use Product Adjust Core Master Entry to bank a dirty core return that is to be returned to vendors. If a dirty core return arrives early or does not apply to an existing order, you can create a dummy master record for the return. When the order is ready to be allocated, you un-bank the core product by manually decreasing the bank quantity. You can then allocate the core product to the correct order in the order process.