GL Daily Change Report overview
Function acronym: GLRD
Use this report as a management tool that gives you a snapshot of changes in account balances. Specific account codes are grouped by report group to show you the daily changes that have occurred. You can track increases and decreases that may affect your daily cash, liabilities, inventory, and so on.
For example, you may need to review the daily change in Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Inventory Control. In GL Account Setup you can group the necessary account codes into one or multiple report groups (for example, all departmental accounts receivables). If you are divisionalized or departmentalized, you could group your account codes according to each division or department to review the daily changes for each. When you run GL Daily Change Report, the transaction history for each account code in each report group is tabulated together. It is printed as one report group total.
You have the option to print the GL Daily Change Report for one day or a range of days. You can also print the month-to-date balances per report group. You can also print the total line item amounts of all sales orders and purchase orders entered. This gives you an overview of the amount of revenue and expenses you are generating on a daily basis.
Report groups must be previously defined in SA Table Code Value Setup. You can also print subtotals after each report group on the GL Daily Change Report. For example, for the AR report group, you could subtotal after the Cash report group and AR report group have printed. Select the sequence for the report groups to print on the report using sequence numbers.