GL Chart of Accounts Report overview
Function acronym: GLRC
Use this report to print a listing of the GL account codes set up for a company. The report can be printed for multiple companies and years. Print this report as you build your chart of accounts through GL Account Setup to verify that your accounts are set up properly.
Printing the chart of accounts for multiple years is useful to determine the differences from year to year. For example, whether the chart increases or decreases.
Operator access to GL account balances is restricted to accounts that match the security options set in SA Operator Setup. If you process the report without security options for the Division, Department, or Sub account ranges you specify, this message is printed on the report:
Some Accounts May Not Be Included Due To The Application Of Security Mask
You can also print the account code year-to-date (YTD) total balances. The YTD total balances are the accumulation of the period balances and balance forward amounts for each account code.