GL Administrator Duplicate Chart of Accounts Report overview
Function acronym: GLAD
Use this window to copy an entire or partial chart of accounts from an existing company to a new company, or to copy a chart of accounts to new areas within the current company.
If an account number already exists in a company, it is not duplicated. When you copy between companies, sign in to the new (To) company. Specify the report parameters for the Chart of Accounts from an existing (From) company.
If SA Administrator Options-Financials options have not been defined in the current company before the account codes are duplicated from the From company, the newly duplicated account codes are not accessible. You must define the options before file processing. The account code lengths should be equal to or greater than those in the From company.
After the account codes are duplicated, maintain the new records in GL Account Setup. You are ready set up budgets, automatic distributions, and financial statements.