Customer Setup - General Ledger overview
Use this page to set up General Ledger accounts on a customer record.
Set up GL account codes to track and produce General Ledger reports at the customer level. This information is optional. If you do not specify account codes here, the account codes from the SA Operator Setup record when performing General Ledger updating.
If you specify GL account codes on a customer record, they are referenced by transaction entry functions that update the customer’s records and interface to General Ledger. You can specify the Accounts Receivable Control, Cash, Income and Discount accounts for each customer, or several customers can have the same account codes.
Lookups are provided for each field. Click SA Administrator Options-Financials-Acct Structure. If an embedded segment is not being used, specify a zero in the field. If a leading segment is not used, the system automatically displays a zero. For example, account code 123-0-123-123 requires the zero to be entered, but 0-0-123-123 does not.
and click the lookup icon in a field to search a list of GL account codes. Select the account code to update the field. If you enter account codes here, they must meet the specifications set up inIncome General Ledger Account
Use this section to add, copy, or delete GL distribution records. These GL accounts are updated when processing invoices for this customer in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.
Verify your Income Statement GL accounts are set up in GL Account Setup before you assign them to the customer.
The fields in this section are available if you have selected the Use Customer Income Statement Accounts option in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Defaults. Any GL accounts specified in this section are updated during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report instead of the same accounts set up in Product General Ledger Distribution Setup.
Specifying GL income accounts at the customer level may be useful if you prefer to track sales or cost of goods sold in different GL accounts for distinct customer groups. For example, you may want to post sales for your retail customers to a GL Sales account that is different than the account to which you post all other sales income.