Customer Master List Report overview
Function acronym: ARRMC
Use this report to review all static information contained in the database for the selected customers.
Print this report after you have set up all the customers in Customer Setup to verify that the static information is correct. Verify information before you start file processing.
Customer Master List Report is a detailed report of all information set up in Customer Setup. It consists of the General, Ordering, GL, Credit, and Taxing information ,and any additional data. If you require a list of your customers, but not all the extra information that prints on the Customer Master List Report, use the Customer Alpha Customer List Report.
In the Other Information section of the report, if you have enabled the National Program functionality, related fields are displayed: National Program Acct, Claim Prefix, Seq# Begin, Next, End, Return Claim Prefix, Seq# Begin, Next, End. This customer record represents a National Program Claim Account associated with this Vendor [Manufacturer]. Their customer number is used for National Program claims processing only.