Customer Entry Lockbox Update Report overview
Function acronym: ARELU
Use this report to post lockbox transactions to the Accounts Receivable and General Ledger records. This is the final step in processing lockbox transactions.
The report generates a detail list of the items that were processed. General Ledger postings print on the report when you run the report in update mode. Separate journals are created for each processed lockbox batch file. Each journal is associated with a specific date. You can use the Customer Entry Lockbox Batch Update Report to balance against your deposits for the day. Grand totals print at the end of each customer/check section.
Do not run the Customer Entry Lockbox Batch Update Report if anyone is posting to Accounts Receivable records. The update process scans all customer records that have lockbox transactions to post. If anyone is using any of these customer records, the batch updating process stops.
If records are locked because multiple lockbox batch update processes are accessing a single customer or ship to record, the entire batch is reversed and a message is printed on the Customer Entry Lockbox Batch Update Report. This ensures the update process is not stuck due to a record lock, preventing a Progress time-out error. Your system administrator should verify all journal postings for the Customer Entry Lockbox Batch Update Report in SA Journal Setup, and close each open journal if required.
Because you accept payments on accounts, the Customer Entry Lockbox Batch Update Report functions the same as Customer Cash Receipt Entry. You can partially write off taxes, such as the taxes that are no longer applicable when a customer takes a terms discount. The tax audit record that was created when the order was entered in Sales Order Entry is adjusted. You can make an entry to the original base amount when you give a terms discount and the discount is not taxable. If you leave the adjusted base amount zero, then the taxable amount on the SM Government Tax Register Report is determined by this calculation:
Original base amount, or adjusted base amount if it is not zero – exempt
Orphaned batch and transmission records older than 30 days are automatically removed by the Report Scheduler Rdclean utility.