Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report overview
Function acronym: ARELI
Use this report to process inbound EDI 820 documents sent by your customer trading partners through banks and other financial institutions. You can set up multiple stored reports with different lockbox processing parameters, and then use business rules to apply them at the customer, company, or global level.
At a minimum, create a stored Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report that is named @areli. If you do not set up business rules, or none of your existing business rules apply to a transaction, the processing parameters from the @areli stored report can then be used. If the @areli stored report is not set up, the lockbox payments are received with an error. You must then correct the error and update the transaction for reprocessing in ETCC.
When you set up stored reports, start each name with the @ symbol. Except for the standard @areli report, specify a unique name for each stored report that meets your company's naming conventions.
See information about lockbox processing parameters and creating stored reports in the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.